Did you miss part 1 of this series? Click here to read it!
You may recall in Part 1 of this two-piece article, we explored how traditional recruitment (resume’s, interviews and reference checks) only delivers the right outcome, a top performer 25% of the time. A significant contributor to this sub-optimal outcome is that we lack objective information when making hiring staff and therefore we are forced to rely on our “gut” or intuition to make this critical decision.
In Part 2 we will explore how you can identify the critical success factors that drive your dental team’s top performance, and how can you use this information to objectively measure a candidates “fit”.
The importance of “Fit”
In one of the largest studies of its kind, the Harvard Business Review released findings by H & J Greenberg about the importance of establishing “fit”. The findings were based on a 20 year study of 360,000 individuals in the United States, Canada and Western Europe. They explored the relevance of age, experience, educational qualifications, gender and race, what they found was not what they anticipated. Their findings demonstrated that not one of those five dimensions are statistical predictors of future high performance in a role. This is pretty disturbing when you think about it, as educational qualifications and experience are what you see on resumes and are primarily what we use to make selection decisions. They did find however, a statistical predictor which was where a person had “fit” to the role and in fact, this is where the term fit first started.
What is Job Fit?
It’s the degree of compatibility between an individual’s strengths, needs, and wants in a particular job and work environment. Job fit is more important than experience, education, or training. It gets to the core of who a person really is. Job fit is about more than just finding someone who has the necessary technical skills to do the job. A lack of technical skills is rarely the primary reason someone fails at a job. Job fit encompasses skills as well as a person’s reasoning ability, behavioural traits, and interests. Every person and business is unique with a series of strengths, weaknesses, cultures, and characteristics. When we can identify, combine, and use these, they are a powerful instrument in optimising job satisfaction, productivity, and engagement. The obvious question then arises; if the long used traditional criteria are invalid, what criteria can you use to better predict job performance?
The answer is: criteria that make a better match between the person and the role.
Just get me another Sarah or James!
Do you ever wish you could consistently replicate your high performers? It’s easy to recognise these top performers when you see them in action or review their outcomes. The challenge though, is understanding what makes these people “tick”, what makes them successful, and how can you be sure that your future candidates share these success factors?
With a validated and reliable assessment solution (this is where we come inJ) and our proprietary software, we can scientifically measure a roles critical success attributes, its mental demands, environment and pace, requirements for specific abilities, behavioural traits and occupational interests. . Using the data from your top performers on line assessment results we develop a performance model (benchmark), fully customised for your practice that defines the characteristics of a top performer.
When hiring, we then assess potential candidates for you and provide customised interview guide reports that compare the candidates results against the benchmark specifically developed for your role. These reports provide you with reliable, validated objective information and clearly demonstrate at a glance any potential barriers to success a candidate may have. We also include behavioural interview questions customised for each candidate that help you to drill down and validate the candidate’s suitability for the role.
The unique state of the art assessment solutions we recommend, allow businesses of any size to develop customised role benchmarks, make superior job matches and crank up their success rate in employing future high performers by up to 300%.
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David Leahy Director Directions Unlimited M: 0405-691-845
About Directions Unlimited: We are a specialist provider of customised people solutions and services to local and international clients. We provide state of the art assessment and development solutions to help you select, match, on-board, manage, develop, engage and retain top talent.